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My girlfriend informs me she's my surprise and that she's assumed to accomplish anything I want her to do. I really can't feel that my girlfriend wishes to see me with sex with yet another chick. I adore the simple fact that she did it yet so I undoubtedly wont hang up on her just yet. I tell the blond bitch to encounter and she gets down on her knees onto the mattress and begins sucking off me as soon as she pulls out my penis. All even though that is happening, my girlfriend is still around the opposite end of this line and viewing it though I am filming it with the rear camera in my mobile phone to her. "You like having your balls and daunted via this babe, right ?" I really can't think it, however this indicates that my buddy getting turned on by me getting pulled away by a second chick. The hot blonde is bobbing her head down, slashing and hammering her tongue around my hard cock. I really expect that this really becomes some thing that people do regularly. Finally, she's got to hang and that is the moment where I start out going balls deep in this bitch's mouth. However, finished I absolutely wasn't expecting was for this twosome to become threesome. However, my luck held coming and my girlfriend reveals despite the fact that I wasn't expecting her and joins in on the actions.